Changho Suh – Talks‘‘Patent for AI, and AI for patent’’
‘‘Patent for AI, and AI for patent’’
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘Fair AI and applicaitons
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘Fair AI and applications’’
‘‘AI and fairness: Engineer's perspective’’
‘‘AI and fairness’’
‘‘AI and societal issues’’
‘‘Ethics for self-driving cars’’
‘‘Three AI enablers for future’’
‘‘Three AI enablers for future’’
‘‘Fair machine learning via information theory’’ ‘‘Fair machine learning’’
‘‘Fair machine learning’’
‘‘Five tips for a good talk’’
‘‘9-year teaching at KAIST’’ ‘‘Three stories from my high school life’’
‘‘Qualitative evaluation of faculty’’
‘‘Three stories from my freshman's life’’
‘‘SECDED and multi-bit ECC for DRAM’’
‘‘Machine learning with small data’’
‘‘AI fundamentals and curriculums’’
‘‘FR-Train: Fair and robust training via information theory,’’ SPCOM, July 2020 ‘‘Fundamental limits and efficient algorithms for machine learning’’
‘‘A fair classifier using mutual information,’’ ITA, Feb. 2020 “Self-supervision for robustness and interpretability”
“CNNs and RNNs”
“Learn to identify dangerous vehicles using a computer game”
“Matrix completion with graph side information”
“Search engine for medical images,” Samsung Medical Center, Mar. 2019 “Interpretable collision avoidance systems for autonomous driving,” Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), Feb. 2019 “Match prediction from group-wise comparisons,” ITA, Feb. 2019 “Binary rating estimation with graph side information,” Allerton, Oct. 2018 “Ranking from group-wise comparisons,” ITA, Feb. 2018 “Recommender system for education,” Naver, May 2017 “Subspace clustering via hypergraph community recovery,” ITA, Feb. 2017 “High-dimensional codes for distributed computing,” Shannon Workshop, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dec. 2016 “Active top-K ranking from noisy comparisons,” Allerton, Sep. 2016 “Top-K ranking: An information-theoretic perspective”
“Real-time search engine: Top-K ranking approach,” Samsung, June 2016 “Adversarial top-K ranking,” ITA, Feb. 2016 “Finding order in a disordered world: Real-time retrieval of vital items,” Bell Labs (Bell Labs Prize competition), Dec. 2015 “Efficient top-K ranking”
“Fundamental limits of top-K ranking,” ITA, Feb. 2015 “Downlink interference alignment,” Samsung, Sep. 2014 “Information theory of matrix completion,” ITA, Feb. 2014 “Coding for distributed storage,” Institute for Infocomm Research, Feb. 2014 “Fundamental limits of cellular networks”
“Interactive function computation”
“Computation in multicast networks”
“Two-way interference channels,” ITA, Feb. 2012 “Role of feedback in networks”