2021 IEEE East Asian School of Information Theory

Poster session

As part of EASIT, there is a single poster session scheduled on Friday (August 6th, 1:00pm–3:00pm KST). The idea of the session is to provide an informal and relaxed setting for students to interact with other students and faculty to get experience in presenting and to discuss their ideas and their research. Students will be required to present a poster in the session. We encourage more junior graduate students, who do not yet have original research to present at EASIT, to present a tutorial-style poster on some topic of interest to the student. To more advanced graduate students and postdocs we note that posters are not refereed, and that previously published results are completely acceptable.

Virtual poster session

The session takes place in a virtual poster room using the web-conferencing space Gather.town. Please check out the information at this link for navigation in Gather.town. The link to this event will be sent out to registered participants on Aug. 2, 2021.

Best poster award

The best poster award is conferred to the sole winner with a plaque and an honorarium. The evaluation criteria are both the strength of contents and the quality of presentation.

  • The winner is: Haiyun He

Poster authors and titles

The session features 18 posters. The poster authors and titles are listed below.

  1. Haiyun He, Optimal change-point detection with training sequences in the large and moderate deviations regimes (abstract)

  2. Jaewoong Cho, A fair classifier using kernel density estimation (abstract)

  3. Moonseok Choi, Equal experience of recommender systems (abstract)

  4. Geewon Suh, When to use graph side information in matrix completion (abstract)

  5. Junhyung Ahn, Matrix completion with hierarchical graph side information (abstract)

  6. Mingeun Kang, Autoencoder-based graph construction for semi-supervised learning (abstract)

  7. Kiwon Lee, Predicting kidney disease via fundus images (abstract)

  8. Geonho Han, Multi-vehicle velocity estimation using IEEE 802.11ad waveform (abstract)

  9. Giseung Park, Blockwise sequential model learning for partially observable reinforcement learning (abstract)

  10. Haoning Chen, Coded computing for master-aided distributed computing systems (abstract)

  11. Hwanjin Kim, Massive MIMO channel prediction: Kalman filtering vs. machine learning (abstract)

  12. Jongeui Park, active learning for imbalanced datasets based on normalized prediction error (abstract)

  13. Kyungrak Son, Distributed matrix multiplication using group algebra for on-device edge computing (abstract)

  14. Seunghye Lee, Privacy-preserving estimation over wireless network (abstract)

  15. Seungyul Han, Diversity Actor-Critic (DAC): Sample-aware entropy regularization for sample-efficient exploration (abstract)

  16. Whiyoung Jung, Population-guided parallel policy search for reinforcement learning (abstract)

  17. Woojun Kim, A variational approach to mutual information-based coordination for multi-agent reinforcement learning (abstract)

  18. Laixi Shi, Provable convolutional sparse coding via nonconvex optimization (abstract)